Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31, 2009 Samuel J. Skousen, Mental Health Dept. and Judge

The e-mail address Mr. Skousen has been contacting for months, is of an E Brown, Samuel J. Skousen, stating it is the e-mail address of the secretary of Judge Carol Hackett Garagiola; however the address is the e-mail address of the head of the Livingston County Mental Health Department, not Judge Carol Hackett Garagiola secretary. I was informed of this fact earlier this week in an e-mail from E. Brown. E Browns e-mail address and the e-mail Mr. Skousen sent me a copy of, is below in an earlier post.

It is unclear if this is an attempt by the Judge Carol Hackett Garagiola and Mr. Skousen to start a process to discredit, if so, the judge is assisting not only in a cover up, but a brutal method to discredit. This area isn't the old soviet union yet, where this type of tactic is and was used to discredit. Sadly, it would follow the Judges statement in court today of, "This doesn't make sense", "This doesn't make sense", as a man from a County Dept., computer open, typing away sat in the back of the near empty court room.

The motion made perfect sense, and documents the corruption and collusion within the county court system, relatives of Judges and Prosecutors involvement, as well as individuals involved in abuse and cover up.

and not the first time Mr. Skousen with the assistance of legal help has attempted to discredit. A former church member came to my home and relayed a conservation he had with Mr. Skousen were Mr. Skousen made the following statements an note was written up documenting the converstion:

The note dated 7/28/99 reads:

"I had worked on Sam Skousen's car, he told me he really wanted to get the children. Sam told me he and his attorney David Morris,( a Mormon church member) was going to try and make people believe Debbie was insane. Then they would have her committed, and he would get his custody ",--- the former member signed his name on a document, to the events of his conversation with Mr. Skousen.

for other reasons, why they abused Ms. Skousen and wanted her discredited; cut and paste:

Bizzy blog a Conservative, blogger, blog listed below:

The case against Mitt Romney his risky associations and entanglements

and blog: which gives more details to the risky associations found at link below to
Strange Bedfellows

or go to the bottom of this blog and click on "Strange Bedfellow" under favorite blogs

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