Thursday, June 25, 2009

Samuel J. Skousen and Jan Skousen a Letter

Mrs. Hamilton e-mailed and stated you gave her a check for 3,000.00 dollars today for the roof, money for the roof and Ms. Hamilton too. Well, Sam,-- Samuel J. Skousen, King of the Hill, remember? You must be very satisfied with yourself. You made with off with everything and destroyed what you could. She is your hammer, like you said.

Sad, you could have not done the roof awhile ago as promised, you didn't, and left everyone hanging. Hope Jan's family enjoys the home, hope you make all the money you wanted so badly to have to do what you, it must have been very important to you. Money. Hope you gamble in Los Vegas, as Jan's family is accustom to --

Some of your kids cannot get jobs, because you were too busy making yourself important,they couldn't get the MBA you got, couldn't get the BA. They struggle to support their family. You did a fine job, you and Jan have such a wonderful and exciting life. You're the Mormon husband she dreamed of, the other one was too gentile. All you can think about, is the money you will make, money taking......... Money you and Jan ran through a bank account with my name on it -- Judge didn't care about that either. Just doesn't care.

Who was that lady sitting next to you in the hallway, the very first time we were at the FOC? Never figured out why she was there, but as I looked at the Judge today, they looked strangely the same, a twin perhaps? Remember you were almost crowing, as if there was something I didn’t know. First, I thought it was your attorney, but then no, never quite figured it out....

Since you and Jan have refused to come assist in taking the large items in the basement, or even help to clean a mess you left -- as you have done over the past many years, I will be contacting other charity organizations in the surrounding area, asking for assistance, hopefully there are some kind people left. Mormons are too fine a people, to be bothered with a tiny thing like making sure your kids got educated, your family emotionally healthy, or taken care of.

Your shameful, both you and Jan, going to Priesthood Meeting, Jan doing her Relief Society work, both of you running around making yourselves look good, helping your fellow Mormons, ---- letting the very thing in your life you were to cherish and take care of, go to ruin. It is unforgivable, and a hypocrisy, your a mighty powerful man--- like you wanted to be.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Judge said Sue Hamilton could Evict

I wasn't a surprise today, Mr. Skousen had indicated the outcome a few weeks ago. Mr. Skousen told Ms. Hamilton he had money to pay her today, as we sat waiting for the judge this afternoon he told her he had several hundreds of dollars he could pay her, and could get more. He only mentioned the check for the roof, saying he had nothing more.

Deals have been done for decades in the legal system here.

The Judge said she didn't care if we were left homeless. Gary McCrire's wife was left living in a basement of her mothers home, after having his divorce heard before Judge Garagiola. She was left with nothing. There were allegations Gary was abusive and controlling, but his wife was ordered for psychological counseling.

My concern, we already had our home broken in, and there was an attempt to remove documents, some were removed. Now, the Judge is putting us in a position to have everything we have exposed to these criminals in the county. Do as told by the receiver or evict, the problem is the receiver can decide it at anytime, with or without cause. My largest objections to the receiver is, she misrepresented herself when she came to my home the first time, the second is she allowed me no funds to repair the inside of the home, and continually gave Mr. Skousen preferential treatment.

Remembering the campaign signs of Judge Garagiola and William McCririe which were place one on top of the other, no surprise she would rule harshly. I think I have read where their children were friends, in long ago article I read.

A call came in to my son while I was in court, which referred to home brakes-in occurring currently in our area. Which has put my son on edge. No doubt from someone in the county, by what was stated. They wanted their sign put up on our yard also. --- funny, funny.

The judge does not care if women are left homeless, doesn't care a crime was covered up, just doesn't care.

An earlier case today in her court, was the son of Neil Nielsen, it is a DM case, that means a domestic case. Nielsen, William McCririe, Steve Garagiola a Channel 4 News caster, wife Judge Garagiola, buds?

Nielsen had been in trouble several years back on a penny stock scam he ran. Not sure all the out come on the case.

The other call which came in said a long time debt was to be paid.

Guess, a deal is a deal, even if it is a crime.

I had wanted the home repaired so a loss would not incurred, wanted to make sure we would be safe as the home was being sold. I wanted Mr. Skousen to remove the junk he left, which is too large for me to handle. --- Oh, no not precious Mr. Skousen, Mr. Skousen clean up a mess he left --- absolutely not!

Mr. Skousen is going back to Korea, even though he stated he lost his job. Did he keep his apartment there?


Hearing Before Carol Hackett Garagiola

Deborah Hon. Judge Carol Hackett Garagiola

Samuel J. Skousen
30979 Bramley Circle
New Hudson, Michigan 48163

The divorce order which was drawn up in 1998 is effectively a contract, a contract violated by Mr. Samuel J. Skousen with the aid of Richard Trost, to the detriment of Deborah and without Deborah consent, or knowledge. The reasoning behind Mr. Samuel J. Skousen’s and Richard Trost actions was to cover up a criminal act by an associate and friend of people in the Livingston County Michigan legal system. This was and is an impropriety on Richard Trost,Edwin Literski’s and Mr. Samuel J. Skousen’s part, some ten years ago, and part of an on going issue.

To revisit the Divorce Court Order in a detrimental manner to Deborah would be a violation of long standing principles of law. The divorce order cannot be revised in part, but may need to be reexamined in the whole to prevent further damages to Deborah, due to Mr. Samuel J. Skousen’s violations of the divorce agreement. Especially, since the party wanting changes, Samuel J. Skousen, is the individual which broke the agreement, when he failed to make repairs to the home, and made agreements not to sell the home in order to keep someone from criminal legal action.

Mr. Samuel J. Skousen’s, action before the court flies in the face of long standing legal principals established century’s ago, and flagrantly violated by Samuel J. Skousen and Richard Trost, emotionally and financially damaging Deborah for the past ten to eleven years.

The sale of the marital home was a key provision meant to insure Deborah could become established and what is going on, is Mr. Samuel J. Skousen continuing to batter, control and damage Deborah with the aid of the Livingston County Court system and the Friend of the Court by his current court action.

Not selling the home for ten years, has also been a financial benefit to Mr. Samuel J. Skousen, by having the home as tax write off, when Samuel J. Skousen’s salary substantially increased after the divorce, not having to pay alimony, as well as vastly decreasing the value of the home from the passing of ten years, which further damages Deborah. Mr. Samuel J. Skousen has waited for his current court action to a time he feels he can claim only his pension, and Mr. Samuel J. Skousen failing to mention his other ten plus business he has in his name, which Mr. Samuel J. Skousen has refused to account for. There are still large amounts of funds Mr. Samuel J. Skousen took to his business partners that are still unaccounted for, the court and attorneys aided Mr. Samuel J. Skousen in making sure the funds were not accounted for.

There is a attempt to shift the burden from those who violated the agreement namely, Richard Trost, Samuel J. Skousen, and Edwin Literski, and place the burden on to Deborah , to her financial and emotional determent.

The actions of the receiver, Susan Hamilton during the Friend of the Court meeting, where Susan Hamilton attempted to force Deborah into an agreement to Deborah, detriment through threats and intimidation, amounted to a grievous act of misconduct and a clear indications she cannot now, and should not have ever held the position of receiver; as well as Susan Hamilton’s previous recommendation made on November 14, 2008 to Mr. Samuel J. Skousen and Deborah , Ms. Hamilton recommended Deborah be removed from the home, and the home sold un-repaired, leaving Deborah homeless. The home being sold un-repaired was the desire of Janice Eduis Nielson Skousen, Mr. Samuel J. Skousen’s second wife, as documented in a 2006 e-mail, regarding Janice Eduis Nielson Skousen wanting the home at 4175 Summer Hill, Brighton Michigan for her brother.

In Mr. Samuel Skousen own statements he has stated, that Ms. Sue Hamilton was his hammer against Deborah to make alimony concessions, Mr. Skousen statements, furthers the predetermined role of Ms. Hamilton as a detrimental and damaging force in Mr. Samuel J. Skousen’s current court actions. Deborah is demanding Sue Hamilton’s immediate removal, she cannot continue in her role as receiver, as it is increasingly raising questions of improperly on the FOC and court part.

Concern is also raised, regarding Livingston County courts, due to the influence of Livingston County Judge Susan Geddis and William McCririe a Prosecutor in the Livingston County Court system, due to their involvement in the malicious prosecution of Deborah , as well as the Geddis/ McCririe continued role in the divorce case, as attempts were made by Attorney David L. Morris, Samuel J. Skousen, Edwin Literski and Richard Trost, to conceal the family relationship of the Gaddis/ McCririe and sell the home undervalued, thorough the brother in law of Judge Susan Geddes, Garry McCririe, a real estate broker, prior to the closed door agreement between Mr. Samuel J. Skousen and Attorney Richard Trost. Gary McCririe is now Genoa Twp. Supervisor. Genoa Twp. is the township where Deborah currently resides and where the marital home is located.
Documentation will be brought to hearing.

June 24, 2009

For other reasons why the county has abused her and her kids, cut and paste:

Bizzy blog from a conservative blogger: The Case against Mitt Romney his risky associations and entanglements


Sunday, June 7, 2009

David L. Morris, Samuel Skousen, Gerald Eidt

Additional information on attorney David L. Morris, from Allen Park, Michigan, who is a long time Skousen family friend. Mr. Samuel J. Skousen stated Mr. Morris was his attorney, which mean David is advising him -- however, this information has come forward on David Morris:

Transfer of an incompetent or incapacitated attorney to inactive status (MCR

On May 22,2008 in a notice issued by the Attorney Discipline Board, State of Michigan.
David L. Morris P 34973, Allen Park< Michgan, by the Attorney Discipline Baord
1. transfer t inactive Status
2. Effective May 22,2008
The Grievance Administrator and the respondent filed a stipulation containing the agreement of the parties that respondent be transferred to inactive status pursuant to MCR 9.121 (B) and until such time as he may be reinstated in accordance with MCR 9.121 (E).

Has Mr. David L. Morris been reinstated? Sure hope so if he is MR. Samuel J.Skousen's attorney!

For other reasons on why they have been abusive copy and paste the following links.

Blog from Bizzy Blog and conservative blogger

and Strange Bedfellows blog below:

Friday, June 5, 2009

Gerald Eidt, Samuel J. Skousen and Attorney David L. Morris

Past time to update “Is this the Christian Thing to Do?”

It was court day today, in front of Mr. Eidt. Mr. Skousen did not give the discovery information, which was requested, and Mr. Jentzen did not fulfill his promise to mail me the discovery information on Mr. Samuel J. Skousen many business. There are around 10 plus business Mr. Skousen is running in different names of incorporation which I located and may be more.

Mr. Gerald Eidt stated he had not received my income information, even though my son had taken it to the FOC last week and dropped it off. The clerk signed for the packet. Mr. Edit stated he is not given items addressed to him, which is given to the FOC, where he works. Guess, it goes into limbo land. After Mr. Eidt feigning he had no information in the file, had no idea who in the FOC would be given a packet addressed to him, which was signed for by the clerk in the FOC, Mr. Gerald Eidt was completely clueless as to where the packet may have gone.

However, Mr. Eidt located the ‘missing information’; when I picked up my cell phone to make a call to my son.-- I did not need to make the call, Mr. Eidt quickly located the information and attached letter. Gee, it was in the file-- in the first few sheets on top of the file.

It looked a bit of a charade regarding the missing packet of information, and an attempt to be dismissive.

Mr. Samuel Skousen perjured himself. Wonder if the courts will penalize him on perjured statements? If he told the truth, it would indite the court and Mr. Skousen in the cover up which has gone on.

Amazing --- and normal

It is unfortunate when ‘religious’ people behave the way this group has – it is a complete mockery. In observation of them, they appear to enjoy it, as if it is some form of game, a game of calculation, a thrill of the kill—

Mr. Skousen, mentioned "his attorney" David L. Morris, who has a law office in Allen Park, Michigan [that is way across town]. Dave has not attended any of the current hearings, Nola Skousen, Mr. Skousens spinster sister, worked several years ago for Dave Morris in his small law practice when she was out of work.

Dave Morris, Mr. Samuel Skousen, along with two other Livingston County attorneys and another sitting Judge at the time, were involved a few years back, in attempting to run the sale of real estate through a family member of current sitting Judge Susan Geddis, through Susan's brother in law Gary McCurire, none disclosing the family relationship, or the conflict of interest in the involvement. The property was going to be grossly undervalued, and myself defrauded.

Sam ( Mr. Skousen ) has been stating he was Pro Per. However, David L. Morris must be advising Mr. Skousen on the sidelines, since he is not listed as his attorney in court record -- I doubt Dave’s influence was ever far. A smoke screen, by David Morris and Mr. Samuel J. Skousen.

David L. Morris is a long time childhood friend of Mr. Samuel Skousen youngest brother Jay P. Skousen, Jays wife Jan Skousen and baby sister Nola Skousen. They grew up together and were quite a clique. Dave as a child was cruel and caustic to others outside their clique; this is of course, an observation, which formed a personal opinion of him and reinforced later, when a couple having the misfortune to run up against them in their adult years, mentioned to me the "clique" had forced him and his wife to move, because of catty things being said to his wife. and their marginalizing his wife in the LDS Ward they were attending together. -- it was always more peaceful to live far away from them, and it was not difficult to empathize with the husband. He was a good husband to protect his wife from them and move her away, so his wife would not be their victim.

As a child, Dave often pranced around telling of his 'elite' Mormon polygamist roots; appearing to feel superior to others, [personal opinion of course-] -- glorious polygamist roots! It was not surprising Davie would delight in entering in.

additional information per poster comment:

(By Consent)
Case No. 07-56-PI
Notice Issued: May 29, 2008

David L. Morris, P 34973, Allen Park, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board.

A former church member came to my home and told me of a conversation he had with Mr. Skousen, he was kind enough to write a note on what he stated Mr. Skousen said during the conversation with him. The note dated 7/28/99 reads:

"I had worked on Sam Skousen's car he told me he really wanted to get the children. Sam told me he and his attorney David Morris,( a Mormon church member) was going to try and make people believe Debbie was insane. Then they would have her committed, and he would get his custody ",--- the former member signed his name to the events of his conversation with Mr. Skousen.

for other reasons, why they abused Ms. Skousen and wanted her discredited; cut and paste:

Bizzy blog a Conservative, blogger, blog listed below:

The case against Mitt Romney his risky associations and entanglements

and blog: Strange Bedfellows which gives more details to the risky associations found at link below: